Iran urges BRICS to assist in putting an end to Israeli misdeeds

April 26, 2024 - 18:51

TEHRAN- Iran has appealed to the BRICS group of developing nations to assist in ending Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian people right away.

Ali Bagheri Kani, the deputy foreign minister of Iran, made the call in Moscow on Thursday as special representatives of the BRIC countries and his counterparts convened to deliberate on the most recent events in the region of West Asia and North Africa. 

“The manner and quality of role-playing of individual countries and international organizations in relation to the Israeli regime's crisis mongering and the position they adopt in this regard is effective and will be recorded in history,” he said.

Bagheri went on to add that “therefore, the members of the BRICS organization should show their political and practical will to completely stop attacks on people and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.”

Bagheri Kani urged the BRICS countries to assist in the immediate delivery of humanitarian relief, particularly food, medication, and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip, as well as the full evacuation of the occupying forces and the rehabilitation of the besieged area.

“At the moment, our focus should be on achieving a complete and permanent halt to the attacks of the Zionist regime in order to reduce the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip, expand the sending of international humanitarian aid to Gaza, and provide firm support to the activities of humanitarian organizations, especially UNRWA,” he averred. 

“Only taking a position and making a statement is not enough, and effective and decisive operational measures must be put on the agenda for the Zionist regime to comply with the wishes of the international community.”

Several major donors to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) have announced financial restrictions in response to allegations made by Israel—without proof—that UNRWA members took part in the operation against the occupying regime on October 7. 

The senior Iranian envoy expressed gratitude to South Africa for bringing Israel before the International Court of Justice for the Gaza Strip slaughter. 

He also pleaded with the BRICS nations to fully back the prosecution and offer the required legal remedies to address the offenses. 

“The experience of the past 200 days of crime and aggression by the Zionist regime has shown that the Palestinian nation cannot be destroyed and the people of Gaza have proven that it is the Palestinian child who wins against the Israeli bomb,” he stressed. 

Bagheri Kani stated that the “key to establishing stability and peace in the region from Lebanon to Iraq and the Red Sea is to stop the crimes of the Zionist regime against the defenseless and homeless people of Gaza.”

Speaking briefly about the West’s effort to use the right to justifiable defense as pretexts for Israel’s crimes against humanity, he said that “this justification of the supporters of the Zionist regime is completely invalid from a legal and international point of view.”

Bagheri Kani also mentioned the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, as well as targeting a number of military brass and employees there. 

He also mentioned that “after the unprecedented and illegal crime, the Islamic Republic of Iran reserved the right of legitimate defense and the occupying regime received the response to its crime in Damascus in the occupied Palestinian territories.”

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